STAR Project
STAR is an EC co-funded project that aims at preventing radical behaviour among youngsters by reinforcing sports organisations capability and promoting sport within youngsters living in peripheral areas CUS Torino is the project beneficiary and it is supported by LINKS Foundation for the research, monitoring and evaluation part. Also, several European organizations operating in the field of sport and training have expressed their interest in the project and they participate in some activities.
Firstly, STAR will focus on developing a structured syllabus* on sport and radicalization, creating also the premise for international networking development.
The second phase of the project will concern the development of capacity building** section addressed to sport operators, by International School and peer-to-peer trainings*** carried out in different European countries.
Finally, a pilot will be implemented in Turin aiming at promoting sport within youngsters and testing coaches in institutional courses carried out by CUS Torino.
The International School together with the scaling-up actions will allow firstly the transferability and replicability of pilot actions in the other EU countries and secondly the opportunity to apply the tested methodology within other areas at-risk. This will be possible thanks to the creation of professionals able to transfer their knowledge to colleagues and the availability of a local net of bodies able to implement inclusive sport actions.
Key Words
P2P Trainings
Project Timeline
Kick off Meeting
- Best practices analysis: Read Results
- Preliminar analysis Read Results
- Syllabus Development
- International school See the video
- Working groups & International Seminars Seminar program
- Sport capability promotion
- Promotion in schools
- Local promotion
Final Meeting
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